We’ve found a new one

It’s a biff of a fiddle to get there, but we’ve found a new (to us) farm shop and nursery.
It’s been on the radar for a while but today was the first chance we both had to go, and I wanted to go in an empty van - more space for purchases you see!
And fill the space we did.
Not with any that are in my blip, that’s the poly tunnels with the summer bedding.
But we bought quite a few more alpines to replace "spaces", campanula, lavender, oregano, mint, ornamental grasses and a conifer.
Lovely food part of farm shop too. Fresh bread and cakes, pies, fresh veg, bird food etc etc.
Delighted with the place and will no doubt return at a later date.
Most of it now planted, it’s been a super sunny afternoon.

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