Emergency blip....

......of my favourite cushion. I realised late on that I hadn't taken a photo all day.
We had an extremely busy morning at the village hall which we weren't really expecting after a huge turn out last week too. I didn't get home until 1pm as there was so much clearing at the end. Many of us 'mucked in' after the crowds dispersed so it didn't seem so bad and we left the hall spick and span! 
After a coffee and a brief sit down I spent the afternoon In the garden. Sowing more seeds and clearing a mucky corner outside the greenhouse which had collected rainwater in some containers and really didn't smell that good!
Luckily the pie lady had been at the hall in the morning so I had bought pies for dinner which just needed reheating and we lazily ate them with baked beans.
After a phone call to mum the evening was spent in front of the TV catching up with The Pilgrimage and Magpie Murders, followed by an early night.
For a community always keen to socialise
For a garden so I can enjoy the outside
For the pie lady who saved me having to prepare dinner

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