Art For Arts Sake

We returned home to Kendal this afternoon and - for once - had a fuss free journey with only one minor hold up just after we set off. The flat is now looking very bare as we brought home most of the remaining pictures we had on the walls there. Nearly all of them had actually come from various relatives houses we had cleared out, so we’d not had to think about where to put them at home - until now!
It’s going to be a case of get rid of a couple at the next car boot sale and keep a couple for a garden room Mrs C is planning in the future. Which still leaves a few others (including two large framed posters that are still at the flat) to find homes for. We’ve decided that we’re going to treat our house like an art gallery and change what is hung on the walls from time to time. That way, all our favourite artworks will be seen, just not at the same time. To attempt to hang all that we’ve got would just lead to everything being jammed together, which wouldn’t look good at all. Don’t know whether to set up a fixed timescale for swapping pieces over or just display what we like as the fancy takes us. If the latter, we could find some pieces aren’t as popular as others, which may lead to the collection being thinned out at some point in the future.
It’s either that or we buy a bigger house!

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