Dandelions seeding

It has been a slow day, mostly inside after yet another long evening meeting yesterday. Luckily it was at home, but it was rather intense and left me tired. I dreamt intensely too, and woke a bit abruptly with a dream which I now wish that I'd written down. I got up just after 6am and fed Bomble, made my self some tea and went to lie in the spare room to avoid waking Helena.

It is half term for Helena and after picking her up from her job in Brimscombe, she soon retired to bed to enjoy a nap and a dose of Pointless. I felt like joining her but kept going, mulling over the work I needed to do to report to other trustees about the meeting.

I cooked supper of baked potatoes, fish, stringless green beans and broccoli. While I was waiting I nipped out to the garden as I had spotted the Great spotted woodpecker again, tucking in to the suet pellets from the feeders. I managed a couple of shots through the glass door, but as I expected the noise made when sliding them open disturbed it and it flew into the sycamore tree. I refilled the feeders hoping it might be attracted back, but to no avail. I did shoot some tits and a dunnock but the light was failing and time ran out. As I walked back to the house, I spotted these dandelion seedheads and took one shot in the gathering gloom. I do admire the beauty of dandelions, but regret the speed at which they turn from flowers to dispersing seeds. This year, given my lack of gardening activity, and the weather conditions, they have taken over. But I'm glad I have a picture in my journal of one. Now I must try and get rid of the rest before the spread even more profusely, although it is probably a waste of time now.

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