The second half of life..

By twigs

More rain.......but not too much

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your lovely comments and best wishes for my special blipday yesterday.  You all helped to make it a very special day indeed.  I could never have imagined in 2008 when my blip journey began that it was something I'd still be doing 15-odd years later.  What a truly special community to be part of.

And so to today.........a frustrating day as I continue to battle my computer and lightroom to sort photos from my recent trip then, to add some perspective, I discovered there appears to be a bit of a roof leak over the pantry :(  I found a (not too large) pool of water on the bottom shelf which necessitated the emptying of said cupboard and wiping it all out.   I left everything out just to see what, if anything, happened if it rained again.  Lo and behold, with not too much rain, I later found another puddle, though smaller still.  Such are the problems of owning an old house, though the leaks I've had (and there have been a few!) have always emanated from where I had an extension built adjoining the old roof.  Looking a the weather forecast for the weekend I think I need to get Mr Fixit over asap!

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