We are really glad we had lovely weather yesterday, but today Mr. HCB is thrilled that it is raining, because having sown the wild flower seeds into the grass earlier in the week, he won’t have to water them!

He has been so busy in the greenhouse and now he has a new radio, he is happy to be out there, even if it is raining, planting more seeds and transplanting lots of little seedlings.  I wanted to document all his hard work - and he has spent many hours out there - so that when we have all the wonderful dahlias, cosmos, geraniums, sweet peas, lupins, and many other plants he has grown from seed, including all his tomatoes, beans, cauliflowers and courgettes, we can look back and know he did it all himself.  His Dad would be so proud of him, as am I!

Just as the kitchen is my domain, and Mr. HCB has never really wanted to cook, so I leave the greenhouse and all that goes on out there to him and it works for us.  I don’t do as much gardening of late as I used to, but I’m hoping that once I have had my knee operation, I will be able to help more out there.

Have a fabulous Friday - even if it is raining - and do what makes you happy.  The weather may be malagrugrous, but Mr. HCB is quite happy in his own little greenhouse and in his own little world so is certainly not a malagrug!

“Dismal” – This adjective is from Scots and may be derived from an old Irish word that refers to the wrinkling of one’s brow. An 1826 example of its use is “He looketh malagrugorous and world-wearied.” I’m tempted to also make the word into a noun: “Stop being such a malagrug!”

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