.........I'LL BRING AGAIN.....................

Now Hubby somehow last night got a very painful big toe, no swelling or bruising, could be the onset of arthritis threre I suppose as he already has it in his fingers *sigh* - Ibuprofen appears to be helping just a little so we will  keep up wit that for about a week to see  how it goes.

Now because of that he couldn't go into Grange this morning so I went down, just to get him his paper and a few bit and pieces from the Co-op.  It was busy in there, but why oh why do people when they meet up have to stand and chat in the middle of a narrow aisle right in front the entrance, there were people either side picking up bits for shopping and I couldn't get through, until I said loudly "excuse me please" then they reluctantly moved a little.  Ph well never mind, it's just beyond me why they don't move down a bit out of the way??

Anyway I did everything I needed to and was back home again within half an hour so not bad. 

After lunch G and I went for a walk around the block so as not to leave Hubby too long.  He's not the best of patients but to admit he couldn't manage to do his Saturday shopping, which he loves to do as he usually follows it up with a Bacon Barm Cake in Thyme Out, is qite a big thing.  

Other than that it's been a quiet day.  Now saving all my Laptop files onto two portable disk drives, well updating them anyway.  

That's all for today - do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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