Eat your heart out, Schwarzennegger...

…or should I say, “Pass the spinach please, Olive Oyl”?!

Being a 10-stone skinny weakling, I’ve never been one for gyms, weight training etc – preferring to be out walking, running or swimming for my “keep fit” over the years. However, needs must. Why? Well back in December I slipped on the ice and twisted my shoulder as I fell. Naturally I expected it would be back to normal in a day or two, but I guess I’m not quite as young as I used to be! It was still niggling when we went to Toronto in mid-January to meet our new grandson, and it was still a nuisance when we got back in mid-February. It’s never been a mega problem but I decided then to get some professional help and was really lucky to find an excellent local physiotherapist whom I’ve now seen 4 times. He’s been giving me increasingly strenuous tasks to perform at home (with a marked but still limited improvement) and when I saw him on Monday he encouraged me to get some adjustable dumbbell weights for a new type of exercise. Naturally I did what I was told. I’m due to see him again in early June so I'm hoping to be able to lift the weights  like Popeye, with the help of a tin of spinach if necessary!

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