Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Logos Hope


So, today is the last working day before everything shuts down for Eid. I have three big things to do:
Renew the trade license
Get a POA for a lawyer in Cyprus
Get the access card sorted so that we have somewhere to park when we come home

Realising all the running around that had to be done, G took time off from work. I was able to change my work hours as well.

I started with the trade licence, but realised after a few whatsapp messages and a phone call, this will have to wait until next week. The folk in government offices are already in holiday mode.

The next thing was the access card to the car park. We went to the office as instructed, only for them to send us to another office. This we did also, only to find that we had to go straight back to the office we had just left. ARGH!!!! Thankfully, we met others from our buildings doing the same thing, so it was good to share info and experiences.

Back again to the first office - who had been instructed by this time to deal with us. It was simple enough to present the documents and "get the card" but at a cost almost ten times higher than what we've been paying all these years. There you go.

We got back for lunch, and for me to put in a few hours at work. I'm so glad I worked last night as well.

The best thing about the day was a praise concert on the Logos Hope. It is touring this part of the world, and we are fortunate to know some of the organisers. Whilst there, we met up with Rita and her husband, who included us in their group on a tour of the ship. My extra is G & me standing next to their inflatable life boats. I am totally impressed with them. We stayed so much longer than anticipated, chatting with our friends that G didn't get to have a look around the book exhibition. :(

An attempt to get the salad we enjoyed at lunch yesterday got thwarted by the restaurant closing at 11. We came home and had a cup of tea instead! As for the Cyprus POA - that's a job for next Tuesday as it is the start of a long weekend.

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