You can' even have a snack ...

... without that bloke with the camera turning up ... see it Bigger here.

Today I put my cunning plan together to catch the golden orioles.

Well, it's not a very cunning plan, it just involves setting up my hide among the trees and waiting.
It was so windy today that I think most birds were elsewhere, but I did see one Golden Oriole and this will have to do until I get a better shot.
They really are beautiful birds, almost surreal in their bright colorings, but almost impossible to see when they are in the branches and they are very very shy.

I didn't see the ospreys to day, but I was only out for a short while, as there was a big rugby match - ASM v Castres - at 16h30 - Castres won, brilliant match, now they face Toulon - come on Castres!

The weather, not that I'm going to mention it, is trying desperately to improve - apparently we go straight to summer tomorrow and Monday ...

Hope you've had a good Saturday

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