
I spent most of this afternoon in the local Salvation Army chapel (apologies if that is the wrong word for it) and it was quite surreal to be sitting there surrounded by bibles. 

My blood glucose level was the reason for the visit and not my soul (the latter being a lost cause). For some reason the people in charge of the pre-diabetic programme I have been on for the last 11 months have chosen that venue for their meetings. 

About 8 of us sat there to share our experiences - positive or otherwise - and get some further coaching. In my case the next stage is just to continue as I have been doing whilst also looking for ways to improve my eating habits wherever possible. 

The rest of my day was quite routine, and it has been one of those days when nothing came my way which shouted "Blip!". As a result, the Blip is the third of the books I am reading at the moment. 

It is good so far. 

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