Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The Long View

This is what I saw when I first looked out back this morning. I thought that rather taking individual photos of the cactus flowers I would let you see what I see on an April morning. This is my grizzly prickly pear cactus.
Did you know that cactus flowers last about 9 hours? Bloom at sunrise then wither and die late afternoon.

I’ve been a very bad eater lately. So today I did a big grocery shop. Bought stuff to make for all three meals. Can’t wait to dig into the strawberries.

In other news…My SiriusXM radio subscription auto renewed, at an astonishing price. Unsuccessful in my haggling, I canceled the subscription. After I completed their survey they called and offered to go from $25/mo to $5/mo. Bingo!
I’m kinda new to gardening.
Someone told me to put manure on my strawberries.
I’m not doing that again. I’m sticking to whipped cream

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