Is this a library?

That was the question the taxi driver asked S when he picked her up a couple of weeks ago. Ironically, we have been unforgiving in weeding our books. Moving iton a single house from two with multiple bookcases filled and overflowing into piles on the floor, was always going to be difficult. Add the steeply sloping walls of an A-Frame and ....

When it came time to stop my private practice, (almost ten years ago) I ended my collecting of psychiatry journals in hard copy. I have access to the same journals as before, plus many more, electronically. When researching for evidence of the usefulness of lithium for my talk at the class reunion, the combination of the journals to which I subscribe, and those I can access through my employment, provided me with all I needed and every paper I cited is saved in full on my iPad.

We both find that books are easier to read on a Kindle than on processed wood; much lighter and when eyes get tired a bigger font is always available. 

So this probably is a library. Our own personal library, mixing paper and electronic forms. 

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