Arbenigwr naturiol

Arbenigwr naturiol ~ Natural expert

There is a beauty in discovery. There is mathematics in music, a kinship of science and poetry in the description of nature, and exquisite form in a molecule. Attempts to place different disciplines in different camps are revealed as artificial in the face of the unity of knowledge. All literate men are sustained by the philosopher, the historian, the political analyst, the economist, the scientist, the poet, the artisan, and the musician.”
― Glenn T. Seaborg

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Cawson ni ymweliad heddiw o'n ffrindiau Dri’mèd a Samten. Gwnaethon ni rannu brecinio ac yna dangoson ni nhw o gwmpas yr ardd. Mae Samten yn arbenigwr ar faterion natur. Mae'n gwybod enwau'r planhigion a'r pryfaid ac yn cael synnwyr o'r iechyd o bethau. Roedd e'n teimlo fel pe bai'n dywysydd i'n gardd ni ein hunain. Roedd e'n dda i weld rhywbeth o'r ardd trwy ei llygaid.

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We had a visit today from our friends Dri'mèd and Samten. We shared a brunch and then showed them around the garden. Samten is an expert on matters of nature. He knows the names of the plants and insects and has a sense of the health of things. It felt as if he was a guide to our own garden. It was good to see something of the garden through his eyes.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ymwelwyr yn yr ardd
Description (English): Visitors in the garden

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