The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


My usual Friday with the wee one, he’s in better health than last week thankfully but there’s been no rest for the wicked!

We’ve had an east coast haar most of the day, the sun did try to break through at one point this afternoon but didn’t succeed. As MC swapped a child for a car this morning we had to walk up the road to see my Mum this afternoon…he did have a snooze on the way so he was full of beans whilst there and kept the other residents amused.

We took a route via the Goody Patchy (local wood) as I needed to go to the post office which was where I found the bluebells. Extra of Smudge the blackbird who paid several visits this morning much to the wee ones delight…how much suet can one bird handle!

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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