Cold Walkies in Brae

A sunny morning, clouded over in the afternoon and evening.  A cold gale from the SE, looks like it'll last all weekend. 

Up early, and got washing out after breakfast. Headed back in for a cuppa, noticed the line snapped!  Spend some time in the greenhouse, and looked at my poor flowers getting battered by the gales.  Headed down to Laura's after.  Met mam, Laura and Anne for lunch at the Haaf café.  More walkies this afternoon, then packed up and headed to Brae with the caravan.  Friend Emma and Kenneth are next door in the caravan, a few drams with them.  

The gales haven't come as strong as forecast, so we headed up with the caravan for the weekend.  Set up, settled in and Sammy needed an evening walk.  A chilly walk in the breeze, but new smells for Sammy.  A chilly view over the village, Brae.  

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