Coronation o King Charles da Third

A cold SE gale continues.  A wet morning, dried up in the afternoon, and evening, stayed overcast. 

Up early, took Sammy out for a brisk walk before breakfast.  A morning in the caravan.  We headed to Coronation Teas in the Brae Hall, then for a walk in the Voxter forest.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by the caravan in the afternoon.  A cold walk around Brae this evening, including the Brae woods.  Off out for a pint later.

What else do you do when caravaning in a wet morning.  The telly was on, so I reluctantly watched the King's Coronation.  I'm neither for it, nor against it, it's just so much money that could be used for such better needs.  It brings in plenty to the local London economy, but here in Shetland, we really are that far away from it all.  Similar to the Queen's funeral, my views were swept aside and it was interesting to watch, defo something I haven't seen before.  Long life King Charles III, although I've not sworn allegiance. Taken inside the caravan, Delting Boating Club, Brae.  

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