Street Market

I had planned to watch King Charles III's coronation today but decided to take Little Man into Xaló with mum. Karen met us there soon after we'd had our daily coffee out.

The market was basically the same as it was last week, but with an added food section included. It was busier than it was last week but it was a lot of fun. Mum and Karen walked, talked, and browsed together whilst I went through with Little Man. I picked up a little something for hubby, which is safely stowed in my handbag to give him later on.

Little Man and I headed home on foot. I wanted to stretch my legs and enjoy the heat. It gave mum the chance to spend some more time with Karen. When we got home, I watched various clips of the coronation on YouTube and TikTok.

I also did some editing on a short video reel that I wanted to post on TikTok. It took a few attempts to get right but I'm happy with it now. To watch it, click here.

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