Not much happens here

This morning I went to serve morning tea for the tour group at Miss Traill’s House. I haven’t done it before but it was quite fun. I was working with Pat who I know from a previous life. I can’t remember where we crossed paths. She remembered me but couldn’t remember where from either.

It was freezing so the guests didn’t stay too long after their tour and cuppa. We had to follow strict food safety guidelines which was interesting as I have next to no experience in the catering area.

I took some books in to the second hand book shop and left with 3. I had my flu shot at the chemist so read one of the books while I was waiting. Other than that I didn’t do much.

Our state representative was the leader of the National Party. Today he lost his top job to the member for Dubbo. It doesn’t matter to me but he will be disappointed, I admit he works hard and seems a nice chap even if I don’t agree with a lot of his politics.

We are having a cold May. Record low temps for this time of year.

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