
By Grammy

Box Turtle

We had a beautiful Spring day. There were a few light rain showers early but the temp is perfect. Opened windows to let in tons of fresh air. My friend’s daughter says her mom needs a miracle. That sounds like she is on life support. Very sad; I woke up at 2:00 am, finally got up at 3:00 and have only had a few catnaps since. We no not the day or time…. I picked up a few boxes of goodies she had for me two days before her collapse but couldn’t thank her because she wasn’t up for company. We had no idea how sick she really was since doctors could not diagnose her illness. I will certainly think of her every time I make a pie in the pie plates she just shared with me. Hubby and I did a few light chores, made some important calls for meds and spring services and he finished putting down the crab grass preventer. I fed birds and visited with this fine specimen who was walking in front of my garden. I found this info about them on the web: “Common box turtle numbers are declining because of habitat loss, roadkill, and capture for the pet trade. The species is classified as vulnerable to threats to its survival by the IUCN Red List.” That’s why I have a very long scratch on my van. A few years ago, I stopped to help one get across a busy street and scraped my car on the edge of a guardrail trying to avoid an accident. But the turtle survived. My sister and BIL dropped by to pick up three plants I had for her plus her geraniums I wintered in my basement in exchange for sunflower/carrot seeds for me and house and vegetable plants she had for each of our families. Sharing back and forth is a great money saver. We followed them to Kristen’s so they could pick up ornamental grasses she no longer needs (more plant exchanges). They had to saw the huge grasses into pieces small enough to lift. What a job but they took home 9 clumps of grasses and there is still three times that much available. Hubby and I grabbed a burger and then went to the grocery store for a few essentials. Lauren stopped by to get her house plant and I visited with River and Isla. What sweeties. Kim and Brooklyn dropped by after school to pick up the bulk of the plants. They were delighted with everything. Jamie has a chest cold so I guess I will deliver his tomorrow. Other than to make dinner, our day is done. This is our much needed rest day. Hope your day was relatively quiet as well. Thanks for visiting. Stay safe.
“Advice from a Turtle
* Come out of your shell
* Be well-rounded
* Slow down
* Know when to stick your neck out
* Log time with friends
* Home is where your heart is
* Snap out of it!” - Your True Nature

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