Potting Up

Slept well, until just before 8. Then I got up and cycled to the allotment while the weather was still nice and everyone else was still in bed. Bessie was actually still in her pen for a change. I fed her and collected eggs. The grass (& weeds) need cutting, but our electric mower has a big hole in the side. I knew we had too much to do at home to fix it today, so have to think about how to fix it next weekend. I have a plan already.

Back home I made tea. Jon was up. After breakfast, Mollie and I (but mostly Mollie) pricked out and potted up lots of our seedlings. Now they are in individual pots, they look small and vulnerable. I hope the slugs and snails don't get them. They should grow quicker now though. I put lettuce, beetroot and rocket into troughs, plus one courgette plant and 2 cucumbers. I hope it isn't too cold for them. The window sills are a little clearer. I also separated the purple sprouting broccoli. A favourite of ours, but it never does very well. I'll have to put a little bit in the garden. I also have spinach, kale and lots of beans to find space for. I think a lot of digging is in order.

Jon and the boys went to see a film this evening, while I watched some of the coronation on telly, and downloaded the photos I took onto my computer. I am happy with them, and can make out the King and Queen and Catherine and Charlotte, plus Sophie and Louise. If I can work out how, I'll share some in due course!

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