May 8

Ducklings yesterday, goslings today. The proud parents were showing off their new family today. I was driving by and saw them between the road and the lake. After I ordered my mulch they were still there so I pulled over to get a few photos.
A busy day today. Work, came home for a half hour, then back out to visit my supplier to order mulch and soil delivered for a job on Thursday. Met with the contractor this afternoon, I will know more later this week. He wants me to take on the gardening jobs for some of his clients and he will continue to do the mowing. He was involved with a franchise and is getting out of that. I will be getting things in writing from him to make sure the franchise owner doesn't come after me, thinking that I am poaching their clients. I don't think that T realizes that he needs me more than I need him. I might be running a third crew by the end of the month.
Came home, had a sandwich, then back out to do a quote. I have another new job to start working on. 

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