May 9

Some white tulips in one of the gardens today. This client wanted a yellow magnolia so I bought one on the weekend for her and planted it today. She is so happy with it. It has some flower buds on it so I will have to check it every few days so I can stop and take a photo.
A couple of years ago I designed and planted a garden for a client. He called me today and asked me to start coming in to do regular maintenance on it. Another client that I renovated and planted a garden for last year contacted me this week, her garden needs to be weeded and she would like to add a few more plants. Another job I had quoted on has been given the final go ahead now. I knew that I would be doing it, I just needed to fine tune some things.
One of the girls that started last week has a friend looking for a job, and like J, she has some experience. I am thinking that I should hire her for the summer too. Then I would have 2 teams of 3 people each plus I can use the part timers where they are needed the most on the days they are available.

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