
By KathyH58

Tulips are starting to bloom

I think this is from a leftover tulip bulb that I planted last year. I usually buy bulbs by the dozen in the fall. When I plant them, I put them in groups of 3 or 5. Two groups of 3 bulbs and a group of 5 bulbs means there is one leftover and it goes in my garden.

I had a guy at one of my properties pruning trees today and my crew was there to clean up and load the branches onto my truck so I could haul them away. It was the first time I have worked with him since the 2 guys who usually do that kind of work for me still don't have a truck. I would use him again for tree pruning. He took quite a bit off a couple of the trees so it will let more light into parts of the garden.

It looks like the roommate added another bag to his pile of recyclables in the garage today, plus there is the bag that he put to the curb last night and it was still there when I came home today. I brought it in, and threw it as his door. Oh well, they will be stacked in front of his door next Tuesday night, and I will move some storage bins that I have out there over in front of the door to the garage. 22 more days.

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