Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Emerging allium

It rained all night and the forecast was for rain and stormy weather today, but thankfully it was dry all day other than a brief shower in the afternoon. This morning Xena went out for a walk with P, it was doggie bliss for her as they were a group of four Hungarian Vizslas and one GSP (German Shorthaired Pointer), her favourite types of dogs to play with. While she was having fun and getting muddy I went to get some groceries. I was home in time to receive her and wash her clean again.

I then had to go to London to get my camera fixed - I have a minor problem that has been annoying me on my Nikon Z7II, and so I decided to get it fixed. It is still under warranty so I will get the quote and then speak to the seller. I decided to get the train to Vauxhall, and then it is only a 5 minute walk from the station to Fixation, the camera repair place. It was all so efficient and I managed to get the right trains so I did not have to hang about too long on the platform. It also remained dry which was good and we even had moments of sunshine.

I took this of an allium flower in my garden that is about to burst open.

I must now go get ready, tonight is the opening night of the photography exhibition of the RAC Club Photography group, and I have six images in the exhibition. Quite a few members of my camera club are also members of this photography group so I will probably see them there. Gavin is coming with me and we will have supper at the club afterwards.

I finished listening to my latest book on the train today. The Romantic by William Boyd. if you like William Boyd's books it is another brilliant 'whole life' book from this author.

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