
Flowers, flowers everywhere! I went to buy some flowers for the garden today and after filling my trunk with flats of all colors, I then came home to do some planting. Before we left the garden center I spotted these beautiful cosmos flowers blowing gently in the breeze, basked in sunlight, I just had to take some snap shots. I love these feathery flowers.
They seem like happy flowers. Yes, that is just my opinion! They make me happy to look at anyway. They are native to meadowlands in Mexico where most of the species are from. They are easy to grow and attract birds and butterflies. Unfortunately that means they also attract bees which have been my nemesis since I can remember. I've never been stung but that is only because I go screaming and flailing my arms to get away from them. Quite a sight I imagine. I don't care though because so far, it's working!

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