
By dreaming

An up-and-down day

These are the flowers that Sarah brought to Sunday's family dinner, brought by Lex when she came to take me for my kidney labs.  Our planned birthday lunch had to be canceled because I got a telemedicine appointment with the doctor who prescribed that dreadful medication and I really needed to talk with him.  We'll try to reschedule, but Lex's days are very full right now.

I've decided to stop driving and sell my car.  This would be easy if my car were actually available to me in the interim, but I don't expect to get it back until the 16th.  So I have to arrange transportation for the few appointments I have before then.  My bloodwork was good enough that once again it's not safe for an EPO shot, so my panic about tomorrow's appointment was resolved.  But I spent about an hour trying to set things up with Uber and Lyft and had no success. 

I went to the Metro Transit website to look into services I might be eligible for because of age, disability or poverty (I qualify on all counts.)  I was able to put in an application to get taxi scrip, so I could take taxis at a discount.  I started the process of getting Access Transit, which will require a trip downtown for a personal interview and a doctor's note.  First I have to get an Orca card, which gets me into the transit universe.  With Access, I could get a ride for $3.00 if a van is available.  That's how May got around when she stopped being able to ride a bus.

Two "Happy Birthdays" were sung to me today and I got several calls from friends and family.  Manda and the twins made a Marco Polo for me in which the boys said "Happy Birthday."  So it was a very up and down day for my 76th! birthday.

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