
Doreen’s hearing aids have been found. She was out of bed for the first time for a while and a full search was instigated with the result that we all wanted. Thank you for your concern. Not being able to hear was as distressing for us as it was for her.

A pleasant day all round. None of the heavy showers promised where we live. A smattering while I was at the allotment this afternoon. This morning in Mote Park was beautiful. All the different vibrant greens and oranges of new leaves on the trees along with great drifts of cow parsley.

I’m at the Marmite Club tonight, Susan has gone off to her guitar group.

Todays blip was a toss up between the chestnut candles and a striking iris. The chestnut won. Perhaps the iris tomorrow?

It’s an entry for wide Wednesday, hosted by BobsBlips. No theme! So I can get away with this. Thanks Bob

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