
By dreamSsquared

No.2- Fitness

I did almost 3 hours of gym yesterday- body pump, body combat and 20 minutes of cross-training with some heavy weights for legs. Needless to say, I was knackered. However, when I got back, I had a spa bath session with a glass (or two) of wine and decided to watch Seven Pounds and Sex and the City. Watching SATC made me question if I'd be that glamorous and pretty at 50? Who am I to comment now anyway, I can just put in my best efforts every single day and strive to be as healthy as possible.

If I were to list one passion here, it is training. I just love training! I feel the need to run, to be active, lift some weights, attend the classes or even do some yoga- it gives me a certain sense of achievement. Fitness is an amazing concept and I'm so attracted to it- because essentially it is this one body that is truly ours- if your health is declining, whether you see it or not, you won't be able to do your best in life.

I did make a lot of mistakes, crazy diets, overtraining, injuries etc. But then I did some right things too, and now that I strive to correct those mistakes, I feel better and healthier everyday. I might not be the skinniest/fittest girl, but I'm progressing every single day- and most of all, I'm happy.

Don't let people get in the way of what you want, if it's your dream, you gotta protect it.

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