By lizzie_birkett

A Well Earned Beer!

We finally made it down to the boat together.
Frank was here earlier in the week fixing the leaking shower ( major job! :-/)
and today we both came so Frank could clean the outside and I could clean the inside.
What a grotty mess it was inside and out!
The shower tray was crusty with dead things and there were spider webs everywhere. Beneath all the webs were the remains of the spider’s prey and spider poo! Yes, they do poo! There was mould under some things like a raffia pot stand which had to be thrown out. I put any spiders I could see out on the garden except one which was on the window above the cooker.
I’m sure it was looking at me while I was cleaning and pleading to let him/her stay. So I did - I have a soft spot for spiders ;-D)) Anyway he/she will catch the flies for me!
The outside of the boat was filthy and some parts, like the front and back deck will need sanded, rust treated and then blacked. However Frank has cleaned it all and it looks like it it belongs to someone now!
This is what happens in a long, wet, drawn out winter and not having the time or inclination to come here in the rain and cold.
Anyway, luckily I felt a bit brighter today and cleaned the inside from top to bottom and front to back. I started to flag this afternoon but had a coffee to perk me up and got it all done. Now everything is ship shape and sparkly!
We had a Chinese for tea which wasn’t up to scratch (watery and bland!) but it filled the gaps in our tummies, at least there were chips with it!
We had showers and are now also sparkly clean.
I was looking forward to seeing what had sprouted in the mooring garden but everything has been rased to the ground by a herd of lambs who got through the holey fence! Why can’t farmers keep the boundaries in order?

I’m knackered now so off to bed.
Goodnight Blippers.

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