Looking Up ....

.... through the buttercups.

Lovely evening light, and a red kite in the distance too, just the sort of detail that BobsBlips likes I think.

There were lots of grockles about this evening too. We had to cross over the road several times to avoid them.

In other news our replacement lavender plants arrived. They are OK this time, a much better quality than the initial delivery. They were delivered by DPD. I tracked them from Somerset to Birmingham, then back down to Gloucester and then to us. No wonder they get bashed about.

The DPD driver reversed his van onto our drive. Those of you that have been paying attention may remember that back in December his van was hit by an escaped caravan. He said he wasn't taking any chances this time. He also said that luckily his insurance paid out, otherwise he was going to have to sue our neighbour, and probably call me as a witness, particularly to the bit where he fell over running towards his van. I wonder if the footage of that from our doorbell camera still exists in the cloud somewhere. I must check.

One year ago:
Holly Blue

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