My day

By 59

My day in Wentworth NSW

We have had a quiet day in Wentworth doing some housework and visiting the rivers. I have made yogurt and Bob has been organising another service provider for his phone as the last one failed to do what it said it would do (see Sunday’s entry). 

Wentworth is a small town in the far south west of the state. It is situated on the confluence of the Murray and Darling Rivers and is historical and quaint with an old jail and grand public buildings from the olden days. At one stage it was a major river port in inland Australia. My main blip shows the two rivers coming together near Lock 10, which is just to the right of where I am standing. They had terrible flooding here last year and drought in 2018 when we last here. 

Upstream, the Darling River has had a massive fish kill. They are investigating the causes and one theory is that it is from high nitrogen levels running into the river from cotton farms (fertiliser). 

The bird is Edward’s pet Quaker Parakeet. It is about 4 years old and flies around the house and sits on your shoulders and head and joins in the family gatherings. I haven’t seen such a tame bird before. They also have a Jack Russell called Pixie. She is a sweetie. She has a very fine head, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a touch of Foxy like my old dog Tom. 

Tonight we are taking our hosts out for dinner to say thanks for having us to stay. Tomorrow we are crossing 2 state borders and are heading to a town called Burra in South Australia. 

Comments may be few and far between from now on. Thanks for your interest in our outback journey. 

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