Keep This Frequency Clear

On This Day In History
1934: Robert Moog is born

Quote Of The Day
"I was never worried that synthesizers would replace musicians. First of all, you have to be a musician in order to make music with a synthesizer."
(Robert Moog)

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"This is the sound of the future."
(Brian Eno on Giorgio Moroder's music, specifically "I Feel Love." )

Jeff Tracy: Go ahead, John.
John Tracy: I'm receiving futuristic musical transmissions on multiple frequencies. It's as if this sound is The Number One Song In Heaven.
Jeff Tracy: Are you sure Thunderbird Five's receiver dishes haven't been compromised in some way? I'm concerned some nefarious agency could be responsible for this abberation.
John Tracy: I don't think so, father. I detect no hostile signatures. In fact, I Feel Love only.

Thank you, Robert Moog.
Thank you, Giorgio.
Thank you to all the musicians, past and present, that keep on synthing that wave into the future. 

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