Oh Deer...

Another cloudy, rainy day that started out this morning in a heavy fog.. so it was yet another day not suitable for a long driving trip. 

We used the day to go to town to shop, and drop off garbage - the usual chores best done on an otherwise dreary day...but we did have some excitement...which is a relative term here. 

It wouldn't usually be all that exciting to see some deer..we have lots of them back home.. but here, it just seemed perfect to see them hanging around out there across the field in the very, very long grass..munching away..oblivious to our presence. (extra)

As for wildlife, there has not been much to see besides the birds - and a rabbit or two - hence the excitement about a couple of deer...but, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for...

At dusk tonight, the usual evening silence was broken by what we thought was a dog barking..and it probably was..but it was really close by the house which is most unusual....and then, a whole different sound - like growling and grunting and then a horrendous screaming sound - definitely not a dog! First guess - Wild boar? 

And then much ado about something out there! More screeching cries..like an animal in pain, anger or fear..an animal chasing or being chased...We watched from the open window but could see nothing except the deer, across the field, startled, taking flight...The cries faded in intensity as the animal got further away, but another one was answering its cries from the woods behind us... Something was definitely amiss...

As wild boar are common in France, it was our best guess, and when I went to the internet to listen to wild boar calls, methinks indeed it was a wild boar. The story behind all the drama, however, is still a puzzle....but at least there is something to write about in my journal today! 

Who knew life could be this exciting in farm country?


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