Not quite June

We had to wait in today for a parcel, which didn’t arrive until mid afternoon. We were then able to set out for our first walk on the Green since we got back from holiday. The grass has been allowed to grow naturally for No Mow May, with just some access paths cut through. It really looked quite pretty, with swathes of cow parsley bordering the edge of the Green, and tall grasses with lots of clumps of buttercups on the Green itself.

All in June

A week ago I had a fire
To warm my feet, my hands and face;
Cold winds, that never make a friend,
Crept in and out of every place.

Today the fields are rich in grass,
And buttercups in thousands grow;
I’ll show the world where I have been –
With gold-dust seen on either shoe.

Till to my garden back I come, 
Where bumble-bees for hours and hours
Sit on their soft, fat, velvet bums,
To wriggle out of hollow flowers.

W. H. Davies

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