Bus Pass Walk

A trip to Hebden Bridge today - 3 buses each way. Lovely and sunny but it meant I had to nip and buy eye drops and antihistamines whilst waiting for the second bus as my hay fever was off the scale! However, I also managed to go into the Metro travel centre and sort out my bus pass application as I had been unable to download my photo - apparently a glitch in the system which they are working on!  All sorted and should be with me in a few day, and then I will be a "proper" bus pass walker!  Usual coffee stop at the HB railway cafe - liked the sign in extras.  Decided to walk along the river and then back along the canal.  The reflections were wonderful.  Lunch outside in the sunshine and then a short wait for the first bus home.  A longer journey than anticipated as the bus kept overheating and didn't like the hills!  An ex colleague from the hospital was on the bus so we had a good catch-up. Finally making it back to Keighley we had a short wait and then made it to Bingley just in time to catch the green "bread van" back to the village.  A longer outing than normal, but a good day.

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