The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sometimes you have to look up

...that is, to see the wild valerian and the cottage hospital buildings.

Work: hmmm. I had a no-show patient, then a person came in for a work trial. That was my morning gone. In the afternoon I left with ten tasks still incomplete. Frustrating.

Got lift home, made rhubarb and ginger mess with rhubarb we'd been flgiven. CS was bleaching the bird feeder because he said he'd seen a rat clinging on to it. I remarked that it was not the rats, but the fleas on them, that caused the bubonic plague. Went and refilled the bait station. Haven't done that for years.

Went out to Buddhist meditation. Fell asleep during the first meditation. Wine up to a discussion about Emptiness. Managed to catch up. At the end, the tutor's wife and two kids walked down from where they live (near me) to join him. The little boy presented us all with green leaves to sniff. The little girl crawled on the decking, and displayed a keen interest in cleaning products. She is not quite one yet. This was the first time I'd met them.

There will  be a break now for three weeks. Four for me, because I'll miss one of the new sessions. I wonder if I can find something online.

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