
By MarilynParker

Didn't take many photos

Not many photos taken today so not much choice re blip. 
We both did some more painting of fence panels. It's never ending! This afternoon we bought more paint.
I cleaned out both of our bird baths (they are using them daily at present) and filled them up with fresh water.
At 5:30 pm I found a letter in our porch from the hospital and it was open - this is because the contents were too large (ie too thick) for the envelope. The letter contained lots of information about prep for my 2 tests on Wednesday but the prep for one should have started a week before! No way to contact them and I'm not a happy bunny. Nothing in the info related to an enema-prepped sigmoidoscopy so no idea what prep I should really be doing. It was all related to oral bowel prep and / or prep for diabetics. It does say stop iron tablets 1 week before which of course came too late and which was already too late when they rang me to book the tests! Grrrr.
It also says low residue diet for 3 days prior - again too late and I was eating high res stuff as I read the information!

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