
This little plane was circling over our house for about twenty minutes this evening. I was trying to get a shot of it as it passed in front of the moon (which was quite visible) but it was just too far away to get a clear shot. When I looked back through all the photos I’d taken though, I came across this one which not only had a fairly clear shot of the little plane, but also has an airliner passing over at a much higher level. I don’t think I’d even spotted the airliner was up there!
A slightly more active day today, now that we’ve caught up on some sleep. A good session in the gym this morning and we did the weekly shop this afternoon, as we’re going to Chester for the day tomorrow.
As you can see from the picture, we are still enjoying lovely weather and it looks as if it’s going to continue for at least another week so there should be plenty of opportunity to get out into the Lakes on the bike once half term is over and the tourists have gone home.

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