Windmill 'De Trouwe Wachter', Tienhoven

'Trouwe' = the same sound as in 'frown' = means 'loyal' but also 'reliable'.  Now you know where the English word 'true' comes from, as in 'a true friend'.  Rather deepens the meaning of 'friend', don't you think?  In fact, the English adjective 'married' translates to 'getrouwd' in Dutch -- when you are married, you enter into a bond of loyalty and friendship.
'Wachter' = 'wakh-tur' = 'watcher' or 'guard' or 'sentinel'
In short, 'The Loyal Sentinel' or 'The Trusty Guard'... something like that.  A rather haunting name for a windmill.  In fact, built in 1832, it used to be called 'De Dwarsdijkmolen' ('dwarsdike') because it's located on the Dwarsdijk (simple!) but since WW2, it has been called 'De Trouwe Wachter' because the previous miller used the windmill as a signpost for people who had to go into hiding, and small codes were attached to the vanes to help them find their way.  There's a tale waiting to be told!
Last but not least, 'Tienhoven' almost means 'Ten Gardens'.  Almost.  It's a tiny village -- maybe originally ten hamlets that merged to man the polders?  Who knows!  Extras -- two shots of the wetlands... gorgeous area!

A very late hunt which led to my being stuck in the afternoon rush hour traffic jam so typical of the A27, but I didn't mind.  The morning was spent job-hunting.  The vacancy connected to the interview I had last Friday will be filled by someone else with more experience in teaching 'that' kind of group, because I have taught at university level these past 20 years and this is more of a vocational college, albeit also connected to the hospitality industry.  In short, my work experience has become, in a strange way, also my handicap.  Again, I am not looking at this whole situation in a negative way.  I'm just a special person, right?  *belly laugh*

Supermarket errands, housekeeping and kitchen duties, and gaming.  Thankful that my application for temporary unemployment benefits has been approved.  Not so thankful for the red-tape-type online forms I had to fill in, but, having learned from AW's experience, these activities are part of the package.  An online interview has been scheduled for Friday morning.  I hope it doesn't turn sarcastic or insulting or even condescending, and I'll do my part by logging in with a smile.

Thanks for taking a walk on the dike with me!

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