
The fourth birthday I’ve captured on blip and probably the most “normal” due to covid not being a thing anymore. My present to myself was to have the car properly washed, transforming it from a dirt streaked, bug splattered mess into something that looks halfway presentable. Not that I did any of the work myself of course, but took it to Mrs C’s favourite establishment where it was hand washed, waxed and hand dried all for the princely sum of £8. Money well spent.
I also had a haircut this morning. Not another present to myself, it just happened to be the day the hairdresser came! We went up to Penrith after that, had lunch at Costa and then visited Cranstons Food Hall to get some goodies for tea.
Out tonight to Burneside to watch the latest BATS production of showstoppers. This normally takes place at the end of August, but has been switched to an earlier slot this year as an experiment to get more people involved and attending rehearsals regularly, by avoiding the summer holidays.
I’ve had a quick look back over the year to see what happened during the last twelve months. Quite a lot, it would appear. On a national level we had the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth, followed by her passing and state funeral with the subsequent coronation of King Charles a few months later. Umpteen Prime Ministers seem to have come and gone, but the economy remains as bad as ever. War continues in Ukraine and we were back to our usual position in Eurovision - last.
On a personal level, there have been many more gigs, both playing and attending, we have emptied and sold our flat in Chester, repaid the mortgage on our home in Kendal and I have taken part in three plays and a pantomime. And despite covid not really being an issue, I suffered from a really nasty flu bug which laid me low for a couple of months around Christmas.
I’m hoping the next twelve months might not be quite as hectic/frantic, but I think I’ve said that every year!

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