Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


We have some juvenile magpies visiting the garden.  Yesterday morning, I was puzzled to hear knocking on one of the dining room windows, and when I investigated, found it was a young magpie, who scarpered as soon as he saw me.

This morning, we had knocking and flapping at the patio door - youngster again, who was pretty keen to get into our conservatory.  It does mean we need to be careful not to leave the doors open when we're not around - a panicking magpie trying to find a way out again could make quite a mess.

We've been working hard again - there's now a first coat on the walls and ceiling in the workshop, and whilst I was clambering up and down a ladder tackling the bits W's shoulder rendered difficult, W got more wood paint on the swing seat structure.  We're both rather tired this evening.

Whilst eating dinner, we were watching the antics of a juvenile magpie on the grass behind the house, who was clearly trying very hard to get the two adults also on the grass to feed him.

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