Competition At Its Best

Mancil’s first appointment was at 9:00. I picked him up and we started our day. Kim treated us to Cracker Barrel. Since Sky was yesterday’s blip, he asked if he could be today’s. Since those two first cousins were old enough to walk, they have competed. I picked up stuff for tomorrow’s graduation party before his next appointment, this time a dental cleaning/check up. We filled the car with gasoline, I picked up the rest of Kristen’s party groceries and headed to her house. Hubby and our BIL have been there since 8 am. They cut and put down the Trex boards while the paid workers helped Chris put in cross stabilizers. Mancil and Chase picked up all the old boards and put them in the dumpster. So much work. Going to upload pics of their progress. Not sure why one uploaded sideways. It looks ok in the photo library. I took the boy home to finish his chores. He and Chase had virtual school since the seniors graduate from their school today. I did some housework and fell asleep while trying to get rid of more stuff on my phone. I am out of back up space so I must delete as much as possible. No update on my sister. She was due to come home but I imagine she will want to rest quietly. Hope your day was as entertaining. Be safe. “I adore his smile, I cherish his hugs, I admire his heart but most of all I love that he is my grandson.” -

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