River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: #30DaysWild - Gardening for Nature …

… and for humans!
Woke up with the alarm at 7:15 feeling fresh and ready for the day!
Continued throwing washing up water on soil & fallen leaves under the maple - did I mention that the maple has dropped quite a few leaves due to cold wind and lack of rain?
Birds visiting garden today: lots of Blackbirds - adults and young, wren, robin, sparrows, song thrush - adult and young, goldfinch, adult bluetit who had a bath in the posh birdbath :-)
A better photo of the Song Thrush than this one - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3110314880792529293
Potted on tomato seedlings Gardeners Delight and Sungold.
Emptied a few of last year’s pots of compost, sifted ready for potting on some of my surviving flower seedlings.
The Bardsey eating apple had lots of blossom - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3100883986025548365 - and there are lots of embryo apples but the tree looks “stressed” it’s been very sunny for last few weeks and the easterly wind is also making the ground very dry. I decided to prune the non fruiting tops of branches in order to reduce its water requirements hopefully to keep as much fruit as possible, I may even give it a bucket of water tomorrow …
Quite a few damsons on the 2 trees and Raspberries full of fruit.
Ox-eye daisy - one of the flowers I look forward to seeing every summer, the insects love it too!
ADDED LATER: small hedgehog appeared late evening and ate cat food I’d put out for it :-))
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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