Not the day we'd planned...

Our house was empty for just under an hour, early this afternoon... and during that brief interlude, one or more burglars forced a window. He/she/they then clearly tore through the place, emptying cupboards and drawers as they went, scattering the contents and picking out the most portable/valuable bits they could find.  The absence of two pillowcases showed how they took all this away.
To our relief - and surprise - our cameras, computers and musical instruments are all still here. To our even greater relief, the intruders had gone by the time we came home. Of what has been taken, some things are of sentimental value and are not replaceable; almost nothing is of much monetary value. Three hours later we are still waiting for the police and the emergency window-fixers to arrive.
So this is not a cheery blip.
But rather than post a photo of the messy house, here's one I took earlier, on a morning walk with Marie: a beautiful curlew. Meadow pipit and lapwing in extras.
The local term for burglars like this is 'scrotes' (pick your spelling, there are many versions).  Fans of the Happy Valley TV series will recognise the term. R suggests that we don our retired sociologists' hats and try to think about what makes people do things like this, rather than just fizzing with fury. I'm giving that my best shot.

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