But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

The Umbrella.

I am now up to date with the journals but generally, I don't like posting more than two items a day so what you see will take a few days to catch up.

We had all but run out of milk so, first thing, I went out to buy some from the local mini emporium. After breakfast, I realised that we had also run out of coffee so made a return visit. Every cloud, as the saying goes, and it was appropriate because it was raining. On the way I spotted this mother, with her little lad having to walk while the shopping stayed dry and cosy in the buggy. I had to run on ahead to pick a vantage point, set the camera to burst mode and hope that one of the four would be good, there was only the one chance.
The gardener came in spite of the rain and made a big impact; when she starts work, the weeds crawl away and die rather than confront her. As I'm going to the dump (aka recycling centre) tomorrow, she left me several bags of rubbish to deliver.

After coffee, Sis and I went to visit TOL and took her down to the bistro on the ground floor of the home for lunch; we're not as generous as may first appear; residents eat free, and this particular resident has discovered that brie and cranberry panini are nice; she had never heard of them until two weeks ago.

TOL's minister paid a visit to make sure that this member of her flock was in good hands; the home does have its own ministers but, because of prior commitments the Sabbath is celebrated on Fridays. My god doesn't mind the irregularity and I'm sure theirs doesn't either.

At the end of the day, Sis went back home; she is in urgent need of therapy from the dentist, optician, hairdresser and patchwork group. May all your quarters be fat.

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