Green Onions

Because no one has yet written the song “Purple Allium”.
I’m a bit late to the “picture of an Allium” party, and I thought I’d missed it because the ones in the rear garden turned a couple of weeks ago.
But those in the front garden are still decidedly purple - not sure why, possibly it’s because they get less direct sunlight.
All of which is a long winded way of saying that today has been another barren wilderness as regards blip opportunities! I continue to suffer from an annoying cough so all plans of gym visits and working in the garden had to be abandoned in favour of just sitting quietly to avoid coughing fits.
Mrs C, on the other hand, has been running around trying to get everything packed for her trip away tomorrow. Finding out that the cabin luggage allowance is about half the size of the bag she wants to take has resulted in a lot of head scratching as to how to safely transport her new camera. The solution is going to be to check the case into the hold, but take the camera on to the plane as if it was a handbag. It’s only an hour’s flight from Glasgow to Stornaway, so it’s not a terrible hardship and it avoids having to carry unnecessary bags around Glasgow before heading to the airport.
For me, tomorrow will be all about getting myself as well as possible before going out in the evening. Some of the Blackadder crew are in Footlights production of “The Twits” so a few of us are going to see the show and then join them for a few drinks afterwards.

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