Dell Dipping

I took the plunge this morning and joined the Dell Dippers for their Friday morning swim.  The water was cold but not overly so and I soon got used to it.  There were about 20 of us all in total and we went to the Dam Cafe for sustenance afterwards. Everyone was very friendly. Great fun. I really enjoyed it and will be back for more. 

My toweling robe worked well as did the the aqua shoes I bought yesterday. A float has been ordered and I suspect more kit will follow :-).

A film crew started filming as we were leaving - I can't remember what the program is though. We never actually saw the paddleboarders going into the water but we saw them running towards it a few times. 

This afternoon I started work on my written assessment which arrived after lunch. It looks straightforward and I should have it finished this weekend but I will have to take care in proof reading, making sure I have apostrophes and stracs in the correct places as well looking out for spelling mistake. 

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