Flower Friday - back blip

On Friday we travelled from Nullarbor in SA to Mundrabilla in WA. There is no wifi in that part of the world so I’ll put up a few pics today. There are no towns for 1202km. No shops, no schools, no police. To compensate they have roadhouses every few hundred kilometres for fuel, toilets, and accommodation (caravan spaces, and a few assorted hotel rooms). Children do School of the Air and Medical assistance is from the Flying Doctor. The airstrips are either part of the highway or a gravel airstrip on the stations.after crossing the state border we were totally confused as there is a different time zone for the road houses from the border to the west, a difference of 45 minutes. I thought the mainland only had 3 time zones but I was wrong.

We travelled along the nothern cliffs of the Great Australian Bight. They are called the Bunda Cliffs and have a sheer drop off the flat plains. They run for 200km. We stopped at a few viewing places to have a look, people camp right up the the edge of them but I wasn’t that keen on getting too close. The sat nav tells you to go straight for 350 Km and your destination is on your left. Simple? 

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