Today we did the Balladonia to Esperance

….trip. Approx 400km. We are now back on the coast at what looks like a very pretty place. We haven’t investigated far but I did walk down to the beach, my exercise regime has disappeared completely. So has my healthy eating. Oh well I’ll sort that out when  I get home.

 It’s cool and raining this evening. I was a bit concerned that we would be on the beach and cop all the wind, but we are 1 street back behind houses and trees which makes it more comfy. 

Not everything out here is big, here is a very small cyclist. He is the 4th we have seen, also 3 or 4 motorcyclists and one person walking pushing a barrow. He was really out in the middle of no where. 

Today we headed south through beautiful trees with salmon coloured trunks. There was a place called Salmon Gums so I assume that is why. Another of the few villages was called Green Grass. I love place names. Mundrabilla Roadhouse was part of a huge sheep station. They have changed to cattle as the dingos were troublesome. The young ones have bought the roadhouse and are doing it up, but it is hard to get a tradesman when you are so far from any town. The roadhouse was 30km away from the homestead. There are no fences out there, no powerlines, no buildings, lots of crows. I love it. 

I have put in blips for the last few days which I missed due to not having wifi or phone. 

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